Page : Arbitration Hearing
Location : GM's Office - Contracts

General Description - From this page, you may arbitrate with your eligible players during the scheduled arbitration cycles.

Player Information - The top half of the page includes the player's information including a link to his picture, player profile and all of his status info.

Budget Information - This will capture your current budget status, helping you make decisions about arbitration eligible players. The player payroll figure represents the amount that you have budgeted for your player payroll in the current season. Player Payroll Season X illustrates the amount that you have already allocated to player salaries for this season. Player Payroll remaining is the difference between the budgeted payroll and the payroll that has already been allotted.

About Arbitration - Please read this section carefully to learn more about arbitration because we don't want to type it in here. Then, you may overview salaries for comparable players before making an offer.

Contract Offers - To make an offer, please enter a value you believe is a reasonable annual salary for this player into the box next to Team Offer. If you are satisfied with your offer, please click 'Submit Offer.' The hearing will be conducted instantaneously and you will have to pay the winning salary for this season.

Additional information :Player Ratings | Player Statistics | GM Basics | Guide | Manual